Mindfulness & Story Massage

Mindfulness, Story Massage and Meditation Workshops and Programmes for Children, Adults and Families.

Practising Mindfulness encourages children to be more present and calm, better able to identify their feelings and regulate their emotions.

It can also help children to build resilience and be more connected with themselves and others. Mindfulness practised on a regular basis can help increase attention span and awareness and bring calm to children of all ages.

My workshops and classes cover themes such as empathy, gratitude, kindness, meditation and self-awareness.

I run affordable classes in North Ayrshire and can also run sessions at your home. Get in touch for details of one to one work, family sessions or details of after school classes. 



The Magic of Story Massage

I was on the very first Story Massage training course back in 2013 and instantly fell in love with this simple yet powerful approach. Ten strokes drawn on the back (or any accessible area) combined with words or song are used to bring a little bit of calm to children of all ages and abilities.

The gentle strokes and words can help children learn that touch can be positive and healing and the feeling of peace and calm in the classroom is such a beautiful thing!

A family Story Massage Workshop can be delivered in your home or mine and is a wonderful way to connect and relax.

I also write a story and teach you to use Story Massage with your child to help with a particular issue they may be going through eg anxiety, grief or divorce

In 2018 I was so proud to be given a Best Practice Award by the founders of The Story Massage Programme for the work I do with children of all ages and abilities and for using Story Massage with my mum and others in her care home who were suffering from Dementia.

When we could no longer communicate with words, the power of touch and a calm, meditative story allowed a connection that I will always cherish.

Mindful Links Workshops – for Families, Schools, Foster Agencies and Charitable Organisations

I am passionate about sharing and promoting these techniques to support foster carers, social workers and school staff find a calm space for themselves.

‘You can’t pour from an empty jug’

As a former head teacher and now foster carer, I understand the stresses and strains and potential for burnout and exhaustion when we put everyone else first!

My Mindful Links Workshops are designed to allow teams to find a calm space for themselves, to learn techniques to manage stress and experience deep, blissful relaxation though meditation and mindfulness. As well as learning, there is always laughter, healing and a feel good factor which lasts well beyond the session.

I will develop and run a bespoke workshop, In-service, CPD or weekly sessions to suit your needs and budget whether it’s an Introduction To Story Massage or longer sessions linking Mindfulness, Meditation and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).



Aly Townley can be contacted at: hello@calmcentretherapies.co.uk
or by mobile 07867 520 442. 

“If every 8 year old practised meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world in a generation.” 
Dalai Lama

Dear Aly, thank you for coming to work with P2b. I really enjoyed the Story Massage. It made me feel calm and happy. I like when my friend did the circles on my back. it made me relax. Love Emma

 Aly, the staff are raving about your Mindfulness in-service,  you have a unique way of bringing a sense of peace and calm. We are feeling relaxed and ready for the new term. Thank you!

Head Teacher, West Lothian Council