About Me


Hello! I’m Aly Townley, a former Head teacher with over 25 years’ experience working in Education as a teacher, trainer and leader. I work online, in your home and from my therapy base in Largs. I deliver talks and workshops throughout Scotland.

I am an experienced Reiki Master/Teacher, Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Coach, Story Massage Instructor and Bach Flower Remedies Practitioner. As a foster carer, I help children recover from physical and emotional pain such as trauma, self-esteem and attachment issues.

I specialise in helping children, adults and families move from stress, anxiety, grief and depression to peace, optimism, confidence and happiness.

I offer bespoke wellness packages and workshops for primary and special schools, foster agencies and charitable organisations.

As a primary teacher I was fortunate to live and work in Spain and Kent before moving back to Scotland in 2000, eventually becoming a Head Teacher in 2008.


Stress started to have a significant effect on my health when my mum was diagnosed with Dementia in 2009.  Trying to work long hours in school whilst caring for her just became too much for me. In a dark, lonely and frightening place, I found Reiki (or as I know now, it found me!).


Such was the positive impact it had on my physical, emotional and spiritual health I booked on a Reiki course and I haven’t stopped learning since.


In 2012 I took a leap of faith and left Education to look after my mum and set up Calm Centre Therapies.  I continued to train in therapeutic approaches for body, mind and soul including NLP, Theta Healing, Mindfulness, Story Massage, Bach Flower Remedies, Hypnotherapy and much more. 

I surprised myself a little by leaving my hometown of Bathgate in 2023 and moving to Largs, North Ayrshire – a beautiful little town ‘doon the watter’, This move has definitely ushered in a whole load of new, positive energy,  and the west coast winds have certainly blown away any cobwebs that needed shifting!

I bring a holistic approach to our sessions using intuition and instinct along with professionalism, integrity, confidentiality and commitment. I often combine therapies in sessions to create the perfect space for my clients to heal.


I teach Reiki and meditation to children, adults and even families together as well as visiting schools to deliver Story Massage and The Youth Mindfulness Programme. So, I’m still a teacher – it’s just the curriculum has changed a little bit!

When I’m not working, I love long dog walks and cat cuddles (and one or both will often join a therapy session if invited!).  Yoga and a bit of very slow running are good for my body and mind and I’ve just started cold water dooks in The Firth of Clyde! I let my inner child out to play when my regular young foster lads are here for weekends or holidays.


I can be contacted at: hello@calmcentretherapies.co.uk
or by mobile 07867 520 442. 

Reiki Master & Teacher