Reiki is a Japanese word representing Universal Life Energy, the energy which is all around us. Reiki is also an ancient art of healing, rediscovered in Japan over 100 years ago by Dr Mikao Usui. Reiki brings about balance and harmony and encourages spiritual well-being. It flows to where it is needed, encouraging the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Reiki works for people of all faiths and none and alongside conventional and other complementary treatments.
As running water smoothes the jagged edges of a rock until it is small enough to roll away, Reiki flows to the areas of need, soothing pain and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Reiki restores balance in one’s life.
How Reiki works
Reiki is a beautiful, relaxing holistic method of healing.
You will be fully clothed, seated on a chair or lying down. Soft music and candles will help calm your body and mind. The healing session will involve me channelling Reiki with my hands placed slightly above your body or on your body with a light, gentle touch. Many people see colours in their mind’s eye; others, feel heat, cold or a tingling sensation but all experiences differ – it is all about your own unique experience.
Children respond beautifully to Reiki (and are often able intuitively to identify any blocks in their own energy flow) – as do pets!
Reiki Healing sessions from £40
Learning Reiki
Anyone can learn Reiki. It is simple and easy to use. There are no prerequisites other than a desire to learn and an empowerment by a Reiki Master Teacher.
I love teaching Reiki. It has been the most amazing journey for me and has had such a positive impact on my own physical, emotional and spiritual health. I look forward to sharing what I have learned with my own students! I have a facebook group where we can share experiences, ideas and is a safe place to ask questions, share distance healing or get a bit of spiritual coaching.
Reiki Practitioner & Teaching Levels
There are three Practitioner Levels and one Reiki Master Teacher level.
Shoden “To deal with and transmit the energy.” Shoden is the first level of training. You will learn everything you need to know about Reiki for the purpose of giving treatment to yourself and others.
Oku Den “Bringing in and transmitting the essence of the energy”
This is the Practitioner Level. On completion of case studies and follow up assessment and discussion, a certificate is issued and you may then choose to work as a professional Reiki Therapist. Advice on how to set up a Reiki Practice, along with all consultation and treatment records and client after care advice forms are included in the training manual. Once you are my student, there will be support for you whenever you need it.
Reiki Master Practitioner. The third level of training is available to Second Degree Practitioners who wish to practise at Master Level or those embarking on The Reiki Master Teacher path.
Do Shu “Where a Way is Practised.” This is the Master or Teaching Level, where a Master dedicates their life to the teaching and practice of Reiki.
Reiki Refresher Courses
Perhaps you have not used Reiki for a long time, are lacking in confidence or just don’t know where to start. Individual or small group classes will focus on allowing Practitioners of all levels to reconnect through discussion, meditation, practical advice and practice.
Please call me on 07867 520442 or email me for more information at
Reiki Courses with comprehensive manual and ongoing support for as long as you need start from £175. Refresher Courses from £70
I received Reiki from Aly and can honestly say it’s been life changing. During the session I began to feel my pain shift and ease. She has a natural way of making you feel relaxed and comfortable.